
Yoga feels good. Most specifically, Strala yoga. Why?

There is many various yoga forms out there with different approaches, as well as there is many different people with different backgrounds and priorities. The fact is we all have bodies, minds and feelings. We all walk through life, experience its ups and downs, facing all kinds of challenges. We can practice to meet them with more ease and resistance, and  see how we can use them to grow and evolve,  while taking care of our inner balance.

Strala yoga is an invitation to cultivate softness, grace and balance in life. It is a precious tool to build strength, resilience and mobility, while respecting the body and its innate intelligence. The same intelligence which we find in nature. The big force behind life.

Strala yoga is inspired by nature. It builds on breath body connection, natural movement and practising ease and grace. Strala encourages us to explore ourselves by moving all we have in all possible directions, from the middle, slowly enough to feel and respond to it accordingly. What we end up with is that special experience of joy, calm and empowerment.

In Strala we are reminded to focus on how we practise rather then achieving poses. We all want to feel good and in peace with who we are. So let’s practice how we want to be. Over and over again. Because what we practice, we become good at. If we choose to practice grace, ease and connectedness we will see more of it  in our lives. If we choose to practise tension, rigidity and ego we will become good at it. It’s about the choice we make. Every single day, every single moment.

I see Strala is as a super inspiring movement system with an expanding community of light workers and natural movers. I am very grateful for all the experiences I had during my stay at Strala NYC at Strala summer camp, Ready to lead training and guest guiding at Strala NYC. Thank you Tara Stiles and Mike Taylor for creating this intelligent, fun and always so including yoga. Thank you, all the great people I have met on my journey. I feel lucky to be a part of this yoga univers and I welcome everyone to join! Read more about my experience form NYC here.


To sum it up, here are four main things I learnt from Strala yoga.

1. I realised the importance of connectedness and ease in life. Wherever we are, on the mat, on the street, while grocery shopping or while having conversation with a friend we can always practice those two. Because when we feel connected to our inner wisdom, we feel at ease, and we naturally to do the right things, think the right thoughts and make the right choices.

2. I learnt to use my breath as a tool to quiet my mind and create more space in my body. With every inhale I let myself expand, with every exhale I soften. Every inhale creates more space within me, every exhale makes me more relaxed.

3. I learnt to rely on the intelligence of my body and let it navigate my movement, both on the yoga mat and in every day life. I allow myself to move how it is natural for me. Be who I am. I understood that being different means being unique rather then weird. I realised that authenticity is valued more then perfection.

4. I learnt about support and self care. I understood how important it is to take care of myself, so that I can take care of others. I learnt to ask for support when I need it and feel grateful when receiving it.

I hope you are feeling great with your yoga because this might be the point: Feel great!

Yoga videos for inspiration

Cover photo by Gunnar Kristiansen.

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